Phantom of the Opera Part Uno!

  • 17 years ago
Okay, my older brother Blackarms does a BUNCH of dubs, and lately he hasn't included ME in any of them. ... ME! TAILS_MASTER!

So, me and two of my closest friends (LunaZ -- I have a music video she made on my account -- and Tsunami), who are both Phantom phans, (Luna: Who are complete obsessed FREAKS and and know every single line to the point of INSANITY-- *interupts her*) decided to do a dub of our own! ^__^ Based on the Phantom of the Opera! (DUN DUN DUN!)

Tsunami Plays: Madam Giry, Andre, Meg, Raoul, Maid, Audience, opera people, Narrator #3

LunaZ played: Christine, Carlotta,audience, Auctioneer, narrator # 2

Tails_Master/Zelthie: Monkey, Old Dying man in Wheelchair, Firman, Conductor, Narrator #1, Midget Dude

Tsunami "note, we were all going a bit crazy. So don't be afraid if you have no idea what the f*** is going on.."

Zelthie - "This isn't as proffesionally done as my Brother's dubs are. So there's no effects, no background music, no timing, just US. Sorry if you don't like it. If you don't... The moosen will KEEL you!

LunaZ: "Ummmmmm.....If you don't like us...YOU SUCK! no...I love you anyway... Ummmmm (Zelthie, put the knife down!) BYE!!!!!!!!!"



