Jaimen Hudson caught this footage of a large pod of dolphins swimming at West Beach in Esperance, Western Australia on his drone, showing just how adept the sea mammal is at catching waves and frolicking in the surf .... Dolphin Haze, Esperance Australia.
Videographer Jaimen Hudson was involved in an off-road motorcycle accident which resulted in him relying on a wheelchair for mobility. His love of the ocean and marine life has motivated Jaimen to immerse himself in the wonders of the local coastline, and works as a manager at local diving and fishing company.
The background tune might not be to everyone's taste, so feel free to mute it and/or play your favorite track .... Silent version below.[video credit: Jaimen Hudson / licensing@viralhog.com]
Videographer Jaimen Hudson was involved in an off-road motorcycle accident which resulted in him relying on a wheelchair for mobility. His love of the ocean and marine life has motivated Jaimen to immerse himself in the wonders of the local coastline, and works as a manager at local diving and fishing company.
The background tune might not be to everyone's taste, so feel free to mute it and/or play your favorite track .... Silent version below.[video credit: Jaimen Hudson / licensing@viralhog.com]