Top 10 Movies You Will Not Admit Make Your Cry

  • 9 years ago
TOP TEN Movies You Will Not Admit Make Your Cry

Men and women are known to react only to very emotional and heart-touching situations. The males, being the strong part of our society, tend to be less emotional and don’t like to cry. A couple of movies, however, can really make you shed tears. Here is the list of top 10 movies you will not admit make you cry.

1. The Green Mile

2. A Beautiful Mind

3. Gladiator

4. Brazil

5. Forrest Gump

6. The Shawshank Redemption

7. Saving Private Ryan

8. The Deerhunter

9. Good Will Hunting

10. St Vincent

TOP 10 Movies You Will Not Admit Make Your Cry
TOP Movies You Will Not Admit Make Your Cry
10 Movies You Will Not Admit Make Your Cry
Movies You Will Not Admit Make Your Cry
You Will Not Admit Make Your Cry
TOP TEN Movies You Will Not Admit Make Your Cry
Ten Movies You Will Not Admit Make Your Cry
TOP 10 Movies You Will Not Admit Make Your Cry
TOP 10 Movies You Will Not Admit Make Your Cry
TOP 10 Movies You Will Not Admit Make Your Cry
