
  • 17 years ago
Aright, honestly this AMV took the longest out of every other AMV I have ever done. At most, an AMV averages around a couple hours for me to make, and a couple days at most. This one took me TWO WEEKS!!!! However, I LOVE this AMV to death and am very happy with the result. I hope you are too.
The song is Vivid from Final Fantasy Unlimited. I own nothing, the song or the the anime I used, just the creativity to put the two together.
Lyrics Translation:
My throat is dry because it's terrible. It's this wild fire in me.
That moment I saw your gaze, my heart went "boom boom"
It's like torture. I can't stand it because I love you.
Just like you, I always go "Ha!" at your hairdo.
"I've finally discovered a miracle where the gods lost to a couple"
From now on, I will only think more strongly of you
There's so much I want to say in so little time
My eyes are only on you
"Something is starting..."
I'm simple. I saw the result of a horoscope,
I wanted to reveal the ideal type of person for you.
"So!? Please give me wings God!"
This time I want to understand you and take you somewhere far away.
Confined on a desert island, we'll love each other forever.
I only ask that you reach out your hand from your throat so
"It's hopeful from now on..."
I can't understand you that easily so what should I do?
There's not enough data to explain the things that I know.
Now my courage has been scattered.
"Let's keep our desires"
Whatever it is, it'll be disappointing so let's tryout everything.
No one has the right answer.
I'm already praying in my mind.
"Something's beginning..."
"It's hopeful from now on"
"Let's keep our wishes"
All right!!