
  • 17 years ago
An independent film by Andras Fiath (1996)
Directed and composed music: Andrash Fiath

The construction and analysis of thought-models in connenction with the so called past-analysis,without the following thought-experiments wanting to truly reflect the real world.
Quote: “So far we cannot preclude the possibility that there exist “bare singularities”
without any kind of even horizon. If this is so we are to expect the appearance of other “miracles” too. Among other things - as B. Carter Cambridge professor pointed out - bare singularities can be used as excellent time machines.The process is simple:
we approach the singularity with a spaceship,circle around it certain times in a certain direction, then return to the intended world. This way we can go back to any point of time in the past.”( Delta, January 1974. Zoltán Perjés : Enclosing space )
Assumption: I have the possibility to return to the past and interfere in some way with
the course of events; let us say I prevent my own birth, then return to my present.
A.The assumption is false,cannot be fulfilled.
B.The assumption can be partly fulfilled.
C.The assumption can be fulfilled.
A/1. Movement in time is an abstract constuction to the realisation of which in
the given world there is not and never will be a possibility.
A/1.1. If there were a possibility for movement in time, the creatures of the future
would make journeys to our present or their past and this we would be able to detecet them.Because we do not detected this,the assumption is impossible.
A/2. Movement in time is forbidden by the so-called “cosmic censorship”.
A/2.1. If it weren’t forbidden by cosmic censorship,the world would come to a
state of time-anarchy,and would become chaotic and ruined.
A/2.11. This way the causative processes and evolution would come to a state of
ballanced chaos “entropy”.
A/2.2 There existed time-anarchic worlds in the infinite past and perished.That is
why they do not exist anymore.
A/2.21. This world exists,because through infinite experimentation it formed laws
which eliminate the possibility of time-anarchy.That is why it exists.

Translated: Natália Jánossy, Edward Carlyle © 1998.