Easy blog commenter get huge traffic

  • 9 years ago
"Easy comments poster" for bloggers
Today i made a great tool "easy comments poster" which can publish comments on blogspot blog easly.
Normly you search for blogs on google and found blogs related to your (blog or site) and post your comments and it waist your a lot of time.
Normaly You can 30 comments in one on hour.its depend on you speed but avarage is about 30 comments/ 60 minutes
because searching a blog related to you (blog or site) is not easy.
but the tool which i created it has ability to publish more then 200 comments in one hour. And all the blogs where your comment will be publish is related to your site contant.
like if you have blog about "how to earn money"
our too search keyword which you provided and gives us a list of (top blogs and new blogs) who have same keyword that you provide us.
four options available at the time:
1st: you can get the 200 blog list of you keword. 0.80 $
2nd: you can get 200 blog list with their comment box. 1.20$
3rd: we will publish comments on the 200 blogs and give you list of them. 1.99 $
4rd: we will publish comments on the 1000 blogs and give you list of them. 6.99 $
Related comments increas your site SEO and you get higher rank in google.
It gives you huge traffic per day and it gives you traffic not for one day for many years.
if you need this tool gust drop an email at
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