PLOAIA ȘI NOI - Doina BADEA - video HD 1080 MP4

  • 9 years ago
Compozitor - Vasile V. Vasilache
versuri de Flavia Buref
Ploaia şi noi
E multă vreme de când ploaia ne-a-ndrăgit
Din prima seară chiar în parc ne-a dăruit
Atâta i-a speriat pe toţi cu stropii grei
Că ne-a făcut stăpâni pe parc şi pe alei
Ce fericiţi copacii uzi îi scuturam
Ca doi copii desculţi prin ploaie alergam ...

Ploaia dansa împreună cu noi
Se-nveselea când râdeam amândoi
Poaia vedea cum cuvintele mari le-ocolim
Doar pe feţe citea cât de mult ne iubim ...

Ploaia glumea, lunecând printre noi
Poaia visa când tăceam amândoi
Şi ne şoptea că nimic nu-i prea mult nici prea greu
Dacă vrem dragostea să dureze mereu ...

În ziua în care din nimicuri ne-am certat
A fost o clipă când iubirea ne-am uitat
Şi pentru-o vorbă drumul ni s-a despărţit
Dar ploaia caldă ne-a oprit şi dojenit
Stropii grăbiţi urmele paşilor ştergeau
De bucurie ochii umezi surâdeau...

The rain and us
It's a long time since we took to the rain
It is granted to us even the very first evening in the park
It scared everybody so much with the heavy drops
That made us masters of the park and the side roads
So happily we were shaking the wet trees
We were running barefoot in the rain like two kids.
The rain was dancing together with us
It was cheering up when we both laughed
The rain was seeing how we used to by-pass the big words
And, it was reading straight from the faces how much we were in love..
The rain were joking , by slipping down between us
The rain was dreaming when we both were in silence
And whispering to us that nothing is too much nor too hard
If we want the love forever to last ...
The day we had a little fight for nothing
There was a moment we forgot our love
And for a word, our roads were separated
But the warm rain stopped us and scolded
Hurried splashes were wiping away the traces of the footsteps
Wet eyes were smiling with joy


