Money’s in the Email Marketing List

  • 9 years ago
Money’s in the Email Marketing List
Give value while you’re building it
Demonstrated & Narrated by Avery
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The Money’s in the Email Marketing List
The truth is that you don’t even need to be on social media to make use of it.
Social networks thrive on the sharing of good content, and your only job is to give people something to share.
When they get to your site, your job is to continue communicating with them, and for that, email is the superior choice, avoiding just another update in an overcrowded Twitter stream.
You’ll be able to get a clear picture as to why email isn’t dead, and won’t be dying anytime soon.
In order to convince you that email should be your #1 when it comes to communicating with customers, it’s time to bring out the statistics and data to examine how and why email use lends itself to better engagement.
Email marketing is much more effective than social media marketing, with a particular focus on these three points:
1 : Email is more popular than social media.
2 : People guard their email accounts, so engagement is much higher.
3 : You’re competing with “fun” on social networks.
Money’s in the Email Marketing List
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