Banks lose billions as Europe's markets jitter over Greece

  • 9 years ago
Europe’s financial markets took a few hits in early trading after Greece announced a shut down of the country’s banks and stock exchange.

Shares plunged in London, Paris and Frankfurt, but after early volatility the markets settled and recovered some ground.

EU bank shares suffered, losing €40bn of market value with Portugal, Spain and Italy posting a collective loss of €18.2bn.

Greece: Markets React — Live— WSJ MoneyBeat (@WSJMoneyBeat) June 29, 2015

Euronews correspondent Sasha Vakulina got the market lowdown on today’s trading.

Sasha Vakulina:“We’re now joined by Angus Campbell, senior analyst at FxPro.
After a weekend of Greek drama, Asian and European stocks have slumped on Monday. The euro fell against the US dollar.
Angus, was the markets reaction better or worse than expected?”

Angus Campbell:“Well, I think it was to be expected, it was neither worse or better. But actually the subsequent market movements since the open of the European ses