• 10 years ago
One of the most exciting aspects of working on the #WeWantWorf Campaign is that it is continually evolving and changing; which means there's always something new to talk about... the title for example.

The working title has been STAR TREK: CAPTAIN WORF since talk initially began back in 2012, but it was never intended to be the actual title of the show. It really was just the easiest way to convey the broad strokes of what the series would ultimately be about.

Now that the idea has been further developed and Dorn and his team have had time to consider all the possibilities, an actual, final title has been decided upon and he shares it with us here in this unexpected, BONUS VIDEO 1.

You may ask, well Bonus Video 1 of how many? The truth is, I'm not sure... which goes back tot he exciting part I mentioned earlier.

As a reminder, each new Details Video and now also BONUS VIDEOS will be dishing out very specific new details of this proposed new series.

Michael joined us here in the TCS Studios and gave very direct, very specific answers to a lot of questions that I know fans have been wondering about.

Everything from when and where the series will take place in regards to established TREK timelines to story lines that have already been developed for returning STAR TREK Cast Members as well as some for a few super famous actors who are dying to be a part of it... Nothing was off limits!

So obviously, as we've been saying, this show is certainly NOT DEAD... but it DOES need the support of the fans in order for it to become a reality... so it's up to YOU to MAKE IT SO!!!

Join the Battle to convince CBS Execs to green-light "STAR TREK: CAPTAIN WORF" as we launch the 1 MILLION MINI-MUFFIN MOVEMENT: https://www.facebook.com/wewantworf

This grassroots, fan led campaign will not only send a very clear message of support for Michael Dorn's proposed New Series, which hearkens back to the original vision and philosophy of the Star Trek Franchise in a way that has not been seen in over a decade, but we'll also be helping to alleviate hunger here in Los Angeles at the same time.

Please visit our facebook page to learn more about this campaign that Gene Roddenberry himself would have been proud of! https://www.facebook.com/wewantworf

We'll be posting Brand New Exclusive Videos w/ Michael Dorn and cast members from all of the various incarnations of Star Trek every Monday - Thursday @ 9AM throughout the Entire Months of May and June!

You'll also be able to see first hand how your donation has helped us to make our point to the studio and then follow us as that same donation goes to help feed the hungry here in Los Angeles.


