• 9 years ago
The #WeWantWorf Campaign has honestly been one of the best projects I've ever worked on. Not only have I been able to champion the return of Roddenberry style storytelling and be the first person to release new information about this new series before it's even greenlit, it has also afforded me the opportunity to pay tribute to the actors and characters who helped make me the man I am today.

This video is different from all the others in the campaign because it's not really an interview... this shows a few very personal moments shared between these two legendary performers who have become great friends over the years, as well as the rarest of opportunities for me personally to be able to share some of that time with them.

I sat down with Kate Mulgrew at STAR TREK: VEGAS 2013 and reveled in almost 25 minutes of perhaps the best exchange I've ever had with an actor over my almost 18 year long career.

Please watch that complete interview here: http://bit.ly/1LblyBW

What you're about to see in this video, however, is what happens when Kate manages to up the ante even higher by inviting "Bill," to join us for a few moments turning my already phenomenal 'one on one' between a serious journalist and an actress of the highest caliber into a 'two on one' between a little boy and his TV Mom and Dad.

I've held onto this footage for 2 years because I didn't want to just release it for the sake of releasing it. I knew at some point in the future I'd be working on something as special and unique as #WeWantWorf has turned out to be, and when that happened the time would be right to finally share this with my fellow Star Trek Fans in a manner befitting its importance.

We will of course continue to plug our #WeWantWorf Campaign because this is how we'll get REAL STAR TREK back into production!

Join the Battle to convince CBS Execs to green-light "STAR TREK: CAPTAIN WORF" as we launch the 1 MILLION MINI-MUFFIN MOVEMENT:http://bit.ly/1GaDSdo

This grassroots, fan led campaign will not only send a very clear message of support for Michael Dorn's proposed New Series, which hearkens back to the original vision and philosophy of the Star Trek Franchise in a way that has not been seen in over a decade, but we'll also be helping to alleviate hunger here in Los Angeles at the same time.

Please visit our facebook page to learn more about this campaign that Gene Roddenberry himself would have been proud of!http://on.fb.me/1JzLdRA

We'll be posting Brand New Exclusive Videos w/ Michael Dorn and cast members from all of the various incarnations of Star Trek every Monday - Thursday @ 9AM throughout the Entire Months of May and June!

You'll also be able to see first hand how your donation has helped us to make our point to the studio, and then follow us as that same donation goes to help feed the hungry here in Los Angeles.


