Nathan Nordstrom preparing for the 2015 Boston Marathon: Massage Therapy Foundation

  • 9 years ago
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Nathan Nordstrom's Marathon story
As a member of the Medical team for the Rock and Roll Marathon Savannah I pressed hard to complete my first ever Marathon in November 2014. At mile twelve I was cheered on by Crystal Montgomery one of my graduates from the Virginia College massage therapy program who I called and asked to be there to provide emergency cramp relief for runners. Each mile ticked away reminding me of the massage student at the end helping people who are sore and in need. I was committed to complete this enduring encounter because of a challenge twelve months ago.
“There are over 50,000 runners going to be at this event. If you all work hard you will be able to affect many of their lives. Many of them will not want to walk for the next few days. As Massage therapists, we can help them reduce the effect of the trauma their muscles have just endured. I challenge you all to get over two hundred and fifty, ten minute chair massages in at this event. IF you do, I will run next year’s Rock and Roll Marathon.”
I rallied the troops that day and in their frenzy they completed over three hundred and seventy massages to runners in need. I then began a years’ worth of training. I knew it would not be easy, however many of the students in my Massage Therapy program like Crystal continued to follow up with me in my commitment. There were many days it would have been nice to sleep in and not run however I heard my own words ringing through my head, I will run next year’s Marathon. As I reached the finish line, I saw a beautiful sight. It was the Virginia College-Savannah Campus Massage therapy program’s instructors and students supporting runners at the medical tent. I then waited to be the last person on the massage tables. I was so grateful for the years of volunteering at these and many other events.
I have not stopped running. I have been donating to The
