เดือนเพ็ญ : Full Moon (Missing home)

  • 9 years ago
dʉan-peen sǔay yen hěn aràam
the full-moon is cool and beautiful and I can see it glowing

na-paa jɛ̀ɛm nuan duu ngaam
the sky is clear and beautiful

yen chʉ̂ʉn nɔ̌ɔ yaam mʉ̂a lom pát maa
it is so refreshing when the wind is blowing

sɛ̌ɛng jan muan chuan jai kâa
the moonlight is inviting me

kít-tʉ̌ng tìn tiî jaak maa
to think about the land from where I come

kít-tʉ̌ng tɔ́ɔng-naa bâan-rʉan tiî kɛɛy nao
I miss the rice fields and the house where I used to live

เรไรร้องดังฟังว่า เสียงเจ้าที่คร่ำครวญหา
rerai rɔ́ɔng dang fang wâa, siǎng jâo tiî krâm-kruan hǎa
I can hear the crickets calling me with their loud and plaintive singing

lom ə̌əy chûay paa gràsíp kâang gaay
please wind, please whisper some news to me

kâa yang kɔɔy yùu mâi nàay
I’m waiting, I’m not tired

mâi lʉan hàang jàak klʉ̂an klaay
I will never forget my home

kít-tʉ̌ng mí waay mʉ̂a rao jàak gan
I will never forget the moment we parted

กองไฟ สุมควายตามคอก คงยังไม่มอดดับดอก
gɔɔng-fai, sǔm kwaay dtaam kɔ̂ɔk, kong yang mâi mɔ̂ɔt dàp dɔ̀ɔk
I hope the fire that warms the buffaloes in their corral didn’t die-down yet

jan ə̌əy, chûay bɔ̀ɔk hâi lom chûay bpào
please moon, please, ask the wind to keep blowing

สุมไฟให้แรงเข้า พัดไล่ความเยือกเย็นหนาว
sǔm fai hâi rɛɛng kâo, pát lâi kwaam yʉ̂ak yen nǎaw
to help the fire grows more intense and blow away the chilling cold

hâi piî-nɔ́ɔng rao nɔɔn-làp ùn sabaay
so that our people can sleep warmly

ลมเอยช่วยเป็นสื่อให้ นำรักจากห้วงดวงใจ
lom əəy chûay bpen sʉ̀ʉ hâi, nam rák jàak hûang duang-jai
please wind, please, be the messenger of the love in that heart

ของข้านี้ไป บอกเขาน้ำนา
kɔ̌ɔng kâa nií bpai bɔ̀ɔk káo, nám, naa
of mine and carry it to the mountains, rivers and fields

hâi mʉang-tai rúu wâa
for my country to know that

ไม่นานลูกที่จากลา จะไปซบหน้ากับอกแม่เอย
mâi naan lûuk tiî jàak laa, jà bpai sóp nâa gàp òk mɛ̂ɛ əəy
soon, its son who has been away , will come back and rest his head against his mother’s chest
