SKYCOASTER -B&B Flying in Wildwood

  • 17 years ago
First, I'm the one in purple, Bob's in red...
We went on this ride, the Skycoaster, (a misnomer, since it's not a coaster or anything like it,)in which you hang face down with a huge hook attached to the back of the hang-glider type "apron" that you put on/get strapped into.
Then you're winched up (hoisted)backwards to the 100 ft. tall tower. Since Bob and I went together, someone has to pull the release when we're given the signal, and I REALLY wanted to, so we decided I would !*One of the girls near the camera thought Bob MADE me! haha*
At the top, I'm on the left. I screamed mostly because the girl who was nice enough to take this for us asked if I was going to scream, and I wanted to make sure they heard me! haha
I would've done this ride the rest of the night if we had the money!! I would've liked to have tried it alone, too, but wanted Bob with me the first time. :)

