Eastern Cape White Rhino Survives Attack By Poachers

  • 9 years ago
Attempts to poach rhino horns often involve the killing of the animal, but one young Eastern Cape white rhino recently managed to survive a brutal attack.

Rhinos are sadly a popular target for poachers, as their horns are a highly valued commodity in some areas. 

Attempts to acquire them often involve the killing of the animal, but one young Eastern Cape white rhino recently managed to survive a brutal attack. 

In early May, the 4-year-old female was found on the grounds of the Lombardini Game Farm alive but badly mutilated. 

In hacking the horn from her body, the poachers severely damaged her face and fractured her nasal bone. 

Due to the large amount of tissue loss, her nasal passages and sinus cavities were left exposed, and the area had become infeste