Man falls from tree during sex, breaks penis

  • 9 years ago
A man identified only as 'Erik' has made news after breaking his manhood in an unusual way. Erik and girlfriend SaLina, who were only on their third date as a couple, decided to spice things up by having sex on a tree branch. As the two gyrated in the tree, Erik felt the prick of a splinter and as he adjusted his weight, he fell out of the tree, landing face down--directly on to his engorged manhood.

SaLina said she at first thought her man had escaped serious injury, but she soon noticed blood flowing from Erik's crotch area and the pair checked into the nearest emergency room. Erik was diagnosed as having a "broken penis," a condition that is more common than many might suspect.

The lovebird's less-than-ideal third date got them featured on the U.S. TV network TLC's show called "Sex Sent Me to the ER" and made news around the world. Erik has now made a full recovery, but SaLina says there will be no more outdoor romps as she now "hates nature," a statement she may not have completely thought through.

A penile fracture is the result of a rupture of one or both of the tunica albuginea, which is the medical term for the the fibrous coverings that envelop the male organ's inner tube sections (corpora cavernosa) that fill with blood during an erection. The condition happens after blunt force is applied to an erect penis and can be quite serious, sometimes requiring surgery. A broken penis is accompanied by a cracking sound, pain and swelling and anyone suffering from such an injury should seek medical attention as soon as possible.


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