Little kids driving: dad lets little daughter drive, internet trolls freak

  • 9 years ago
Hey, if you’re going to learn to drive, might as well start early. This little Taiwanese girl looks ready for F1. Well, maybe baby F1.

The video posted online last week shows the little speed racer sitting on her dad’s lap steering a car while her dad shouts out directions. Look at the way she handles the wheel. She’s a natural.

Hey, she’s better than most adult female drivers I’ve seen.

And like what most proud parents do these days, he posted the video of her online, and of course since netizens are basically just trolls, he got hammered online for being a crappy dad. Since then, the dad has taken down the video and apologised. Although he should have just left it up. Let the haters hate.

The dad could be fined up to 300 bucks and will have to attend traffic school. And since his daughter can drive too, she also has to go.


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