President Putin breeding program proposal by lawmaker for a greater Mother Russian

  • 9 years ago
A Russian lawmaker--a real one--has submitted a bill about how to extend the greatness of Mother Russia with the use of Vladimir Putin’s sperm.

Yelena Mizoulina, chairwoman of the Parliamentary Commission on Women’s Affairs, Family and Children, proposed that President Putin contribute to their nation by sowing his wild oats. She’s dead serious when she says that the women of Russia should be able to order genetic material from Putin in the mail and become pregnant with their very own Putin baby.

Women who contribute to their country will receive government aid and subsidies. Their children--provided they are male--will be trained in the best Russian military schools so that tender sound of the pitter-patter of multitudes of tiny Putin feet will become the thunderous roar of the new Russian military. Of course, only the best will be selected to create an elite political and military group dedicated to serving the president.

This might also be part of Mizoulina’s devious plan to stop women from receiving higher education until they procreate, because Russian women are waiting too long to have children according to Mizoulina.

I wonder what President Putin thinks about this proposal?


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