Who were the ORIGINAL Terrorist? (Truth and Edutainment)

  • 9 years ago
The Pot calling the kettle Black? We hear about the Terror Groups popping up here and there, but who were the ORIGINAL? Unfortunately, the Biggest and Longest reign of terror that man has EVER seen has been in existence since the before the Slaughter of the Natives, the enslavement of the African, The human experimentation, The Mass genocide and looting of Africa. If you are Black, and live in AmeriKKKa, your existence on U.S. started with Terrorist raping, pillaging, and enslaving your people. Once you touched North AmeriKKKa, unfortunately you are being terrorized by the SAME people today. When does it end? If you were to ask any minority group who they feel the TRUE terrorist are, they most likely ALL have the same answer. The ORIGINAL ONES.
