• 9 years ago
Hameed Anwar (affectionately known in PAF and RAF as Harry Anwar) was the proud member of the famous PAF aerobatics team ‘The Falcons’. In 1958, the team while performing aerobatics on 16 Sabre aircraft pulled up a formation loop, thus making a world record in the history of aviation. From 1960 to 1962, Hameed Anwar was in RAF, as Pakistani pilot on exchange posting. During this time, he made the country proud by being selected as a member of famous ‘Blue Diamond’ aerobatic team. Being part of the aerobatics team, he flew all across Europe and NATO countries with Pakistani flag painted on the tail of his Hunter aircraft. Later in 2005, Hameed Anwar was honored during a reunion ceremony of ex- Blue Diamonds pilots held at Farnborough UK, where his name entered the Hall of Fame as one of the legendary pilots of the world. Indeed, a great honour for Pakistan.


