Download Daddy In The House Ebook {EPUB} {PDF} FB2

  • 9 years ago
Download Daddy In The House by Linda Style - mirror 1 ---> mirror 2 ---> mirror 3 --> ---------------
Synopsis: There hasn't been a daddy in Halle's house for a while now. Her parents, Logan Wakefield and Dana Marlow, are divorced. Halle lives with her mommy in Chicago, and her daddy's an investigator who travels all over the world. Then Hallie has an accident. Logan rushes to the hospital, where his daughter is still unconscious. When she comes to, she recognizes him-but not her mother. Dana is shocked, hurt, confused. She's not sure how to react when Logan announces that he'll be moving back into the house. She has no choice but to agree, at least while Hallie's still suffering from amnesia. And while
