世界末日,網路不掛 Internet safe from Armageddon

  • 9 years ago
在這一集的動新聞 「國際眼」,我們帶你到世界的四個角落。在西西里島,婚紗照攝影師被新娘無意中射死 (。在波士尼亞,外星人惡搞男士,在三年內送六顆大隕石砸中他家 (。在中國,21歲的熊貓泉泉意外被毒死 (。最後,世界末日來臨了,網路也掛了,沒關係,會有七位武士來拯救我們 (。

In this edition of NMA's Eye on the World, we bring you stories from the four corners of the globe. Wedding shoot in Sicily turns deadly as photographer killed accidentally by bride with rifle ( In Bosnia, a man is convinced aliens are targeting him a sixth meteorite in three years crashed through his roof ( A panda in China drops dead from inhaling toxic fumes ( Finally, seven men save the internet after Armageddon ( Subscribe to Next Media Animation channel for daily animations.
