Female Reporter Attacked by Mob of Black Teens in Baltimore Protest

  • 9 years ago
A subhuman attack on a female reporter who was rescued by the police. Most men see a woman in danger want to protect them but instead this crowd seems to be devoid of any higher functions of a human being and as soon as they see she is being out numbered they instinctively surround her like pack animals.

Notice they do not attack until the target is completely surrounded giving the victim no chance to run or defend themselves. This also reminds me of the Trayvon Martin attack described by George Zimmerman, Martin engaged him in conversation first to get close to him and surprise him with overwhelming force. In this way for the blacks insist on being feared for street violence. This kind of behavior is encouraged by the Left as violent Revolution, in Marxist philosophy the oppressed people of the world are suppose to rise up in violent Revolution and then everything will be just wonderful and Utopian. But as you can see, Marxism, collectivism and Leftist philosophy and policies in practice really just reduces human beings to animalistic behavior.


