Activist says Baltimore Shows the Sophistication of White Supremacy

  • 9 years ago
By white supremacy he means the Free Market economic system. Leftist can't just come out and say it, and here is why. Under the this current economic system the money needed for the benefits to the poor is generated by the Free Market System. If that system were to collapse into Marxism, all the people depending on welfare, social security and EBT benefits will all starve.

Dayvon Love made a point to mention food was being provided to the activist, this is to offset the fact that Communist are notoriously bad managers of resources and production leading to massive shortages. Therefore forced famine is a classic weapon for those who follow the economic philosophies of Karl Marx. In the Soviet Union million of Ukrainians were starved to death just because it would cost too much to re-educate them into Marxist thought. Same thing in Cambodia when that country collapsed into Marxism under the Khmer Rouge, a large percentage of that population died from mass murder and starvation..

65 million in the People's Republic of China
20 million in the Soviet Union
2 million in Cambodia
2 million in North Korea
1.7 million in Ethiopia
1.5 million in Afghanistan
1 million in the Communist states of Eastern Europe
1 million in Vietnam
150,000 in Latin America mainly Cuba

The same circumstances that would collapse a Free Market economic system can bring down a Communist system even faster. Therefore in order to save a Marxist economic system there is no tolerance for political dissent, this means no demonstrations, no protest, no riots, anybody who looks like they will cause trouble is immediately stood against the wall and shot.

All this is why Leftist cannot come out and say who they are and what they want. That is why Melissa Harris Perry had her orgasmic reaction to what Dayvon Love said, because he came close to saying the entire unspoken point of the Leftist movement. If Perry was to state that she is for the destruction of the economic system of this country she would be disgraced and it would ruin her career.

So that leaves Leftist to to insinuate, imply, name call, and hide behind rhetoric and double talk or as Orwell put it Newspeak. I doubt if these activist could even manage to provide a descent lunch for their protesters let alone feed millions of poor people. If these people ever get what they want it there will be nothing beautiful about it, will be one of the greatest human disasters of all time.
