You Are the Only One _ 당신만이 내사랑 _ 只有你是我的爱 - Ep.83 (2015.04.01)

  • 9 years ago
Ep.83: Malsu is subpoenaed, and Hyeri tells her she’ll help her settle if Malsu hands over the building. Malsu says that’ll never happen. Town Mart is worried Yangshin’s lie will be found out. They move her to another hospital but Dowon and Jigeon see this.
末秀收到传票, 惠利对末秀说只要将商铺交出来就帮她和解 但末秀坚决不同意此事。 汤玛特那边怕梁新装病一事露馅 虽然打算偷偷转院 可是却被桃园和智建看到…


