Download Pearls of Wisdom Ebook {EPUB} {PDF} FB2

  • 9 years ago
Download Pearls of Wisdom by Sonja Chandrachud - mirror 1 ---> mirror 2 ---> mirror 3 --> ---------------
Synopsis: ‘Pete and Koral were precariously poised on the Edge of the Ledge, a thin sliver of rock face that jutted out over the raging seas below. ‘Till death do us part!’ thundered the Ancient One and pushed the teen wizards over the edge, into the eye of a raging whirlpool…’
The Pearls of Wisdom bestow great powers on the ruler of the water world. But they have been snitched! The dreaded Black Magi have stolen them from right under top-notch Secret Service vampire agent Count Drunkula’s nose. The Count now faces execution for treason, and the only one who can save him and restore order in the wate
