Laura Flanders Show - Keller Easterling / Helen Caldicott

  • 9 years ago
Over the last century, the Atlantic ocean floor was laid with thousands of miles of telegraph, telephone and fibre optic cable. Yet East Africa, one of the most populous areas of the world, had no cable link and almost no broadband until recently. Now cell phone towers are dotting the landscape, and Kenyans can access the worldwide web on their phones, but there’s still almost no bandwidth for Kenyan businesses or the country’s schools. And that’s just one example of what this week's guest calls the influence of extrastatecraft. Non state actors, accountable to no one, she argues, are having a defining impact on our lives. Keller Easterling is a professor of Architecture at Yale and the author of Extrastatecraft: The Power of Inrastructure Space. Also in this episode, physician author and activist Helen Caldicott takes us into the movement for a nuclear-free world. teleSUR
