- Ad 4 - AMV

  • 17 years ago
This is made for, aka It has been a while since I made another ad video. This one I like a lot more. Enjoy the video. This song is The Spell by Lunatica. This AMV was truely a challenge because I do not know these shows very well and I do not know what characters are who. It is a good thing I was able to do it.

Unlimited gundam Wing X Kiba FFU GW GX kffaner Kenshin Himura Kaoru Kamiya Sanosuke Sagara Yahiko Myojin Megumi Takani Hajime Saito Misao Makimachi fun awesome entertainment music songs manga Ai Hayakawa Yu Kaze Makenshi Lisa Pacifist Earl Tyrant Chobi Poshepocket Lou Lupus Cid Sagi Chocobaba fight battle vs. vs Chocoiba joe mary crux

Heero Yuy Relena Peacecraft Duo Maxwell Trowa Barton Quatre Raberba Winner Chang Wufei Zechs Merquise Treize Khushrenada Lucrezia Noin Lady Une Dorothy Catalonia Duke Dermail Catherine Bloom Sally Po Hilde Schbeiker

Zed Roya jiko Robès Redondo robes Mikki Dumas Schuramux rebecca Elda Philip Hugh Elmeida Graujio Noa Aisha Gale Keith Diana Kira Hairam Mirette Gitra Morima Deucem Morocco Jesara Despara Cloud Guzman Ginga Herrick Professor Bender Sara Sagiri
