Download Advances in Obstetrics and Gynecology Vol. 3 ebook {PDF} {EPUB}

  • 9 years ago
Download Advances in Obstetrics and Gynecology Vol. 3 by Sumita Mehta - mirror 1 ---> mirror 2 ---> mirror 3 --> ---------------
Synopsis: The book was conceived with a purpose of updating practicing gynecologists in the ever-changing field of medicine. We hope this book refreshes the readers on a wide variety of topics. The book for the first time brings to the readers the concept of obstetric High Dependency Unit and Intensive Care Unit. Although this has been the practice in the west, this concept needs to be introduced in many countries to optimally manage high-risk obstetric patients. The definition and management of placenta previa have changed over the years with focus on conservative management and a greater emphasis on vaginal delivery. In the litigious environment that we live in today, safe anesthesia practice in obstetric patients is of paramount importance to avoid deaths in both the neonates and the mothers. Readers will also find this book a useful source material in updating their knowledge on intrauterine infections. Laparoscopic-gynecologic surgery has replaced conventional surgery for most conditions and the chapter on troubleshooting in operative laparoscopy will prove to be helpful in day-to-day practice. Primary prevention of cervical cancer is possible today and HPV carcinogenesis will make understanding of both screening and vaccination better. The problems of both adolescent and postmenopausal bleeding have been given due attention in the well-written chapters with emphasis on recent updates. Our books are never complete without a chapter on menopause. With the controversy surrounding long-term hormone therapy use, we have explored alternative therapies in menopause. Lastly, a chapter on pain relief in gynecological malignancy will help in better management of palliative care in such patients which is largely neglected.
