Download Kiss Me Annabel ebook {PDF} {EPUB}

  • 9 years ago
Download Kiss Me Annabel by Eloisa James - mirror 1 ---> mirror 2 ---> mirror 3 --> ---------------
Synopsis: A Regency historical from the New York Times bestselling author Eloisa James, bound to delight Heyer fans.
If you kiss a man once?
When the dashing Earl of Ard tempts Miss Annabel Essex, the most unattainable of the four beautiful Essex sisters, with the promise of a kiss, she resists, just as she snubs his teasing offers of marriage. For what would she get if she married him? Why, nothing but a faded Scottish title and a hovel in the highlands.
But by some cruel twist of fate Annabel finds herself in a carriage bound for Scotland (the place she abhors) with the penni Ard ? and with all the world thinking they're man and wife! To make matters worse Annabel becomes embroiled in a flirtatious game of words with the Earl ? in which the prize is a kiss?and the forfeit? A moment of passionate madness with Ard and the choice is clear ? marriage or disgrace.
Yet when she arrives at the Earl's Scottish Estate ? contrary to what she had been lead to believe ? she finds the hovel to be a castle and her Earl far from impoverished. And she learns ? in the bridal bedchamber and elsewhere ? that there is to marriage than just kissing?
