• 10 years ago
The 11 Most Powerful Telekinetics in Hollywood Movie History

Stan Lee's Superhumans – Mind Force ( Miroslaw Magola alias Magnetic Man )

Stan Lee's Superhumans is a television series that debuted on August 5, 2010 on History. It is hosted
by comic book superhero creator Stan Lee and follows contortionist Daniel Browning Smith, "the
most flexible man in the world", as he searches the globe for real-life superhumans – people with
extraordinary physical or mental abilities.

George Malley (Phenomenon)

This is the most realistic depiction of what it would be like if someone actually got telekinesis in
real life, but it’s also the mildest. George’s powers only extended to twirling glasses around or
making pens roll. At his peak he made a mirror shatter.
George’s powers were better served creating alternative energy sources (yeah, even back in the
nineties) and predicting earthquakes. Telekinesis was just a side effect of his massive intelligence
(and brain tumor, spoilers!).

Matilda (Matilda)

Out of all of these choices, I think Matilda may be my favorite telekinetic on the list. She uses the
power the way a kid actually would, helping out her friends and screwing over her mean parents
and teachers. Sure she’s not going to level any cities, but convincing her evil headmistress that her
house is haunted by making a painting of her dead relative attack her is pretty hilarious.

Mary Poppins (Mary Poppins)

Many will argue with me that Mary Poppins is a witch, and not a telekinetic, but you’re wrong. She
has powers the same as everyone else on this list, and just because this movie is crazy old, doesn’t
mean it’s not hip with the psychic superpowers of the present.
Normally she only uses her powers to do things like clean rooms and reprimand children, but the
fact that she can use the ability to make herself fly propels her above the last two entrants on the
Alice (Resident Evil Apocalypse)

I was never really clear on when exactly Alice got telekinetic powers. I think it was the third movie,
but I’m not positive. In any case, she does the typical “throw things around” maneuver that all
telekinetics know and love, and as I recall she has some sort of psychic mind blast as well.
Details are fuzzy here so let me know if I’m getting this wrong, but I don’t think she uses her
powers that extensively, making her sort of lame.

Nick (Push)

Now we’re really getting into the “combat telekinetics” who use their powers less for amusement
and more for kicking ass. Unfortunately, Nick’s powers in mediocre superhero thriller Push aren’t
exactly the stuff of legend.
He’s got a neat force push, the ability to hover guns above his head and aim them poorly, and some
kinetic punches and elbows that look pretty neat, but he’s still on the shallow end of the power
Yoda (The Empire Strikes Back)
