How to get Rid of Lines around Eyes when Smiling.

  • vor 9 Jahren
People usually start developing small wrinkles and lines around the eyes during their 30's from years of laughing and smiling.

Although the lines are well worth the wonderful experiences and joys of life, they can add years to your look giving the impression that you're much older than you are. Turn back the hands of time and use these simple methods proven to reduce and prevent the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles around and under the eyes without having to go under the knife.

Use Sunscreen – Fine lines on the face can develop from years of smiling and laughing, but the harmful rays of the sun can make them look so much worse. To avoid wrinkles caused by sun damage, it's recommended that you protect your skin using a high quality SPF each day, even if you don't plan on being outdoors for an extended period of time or if it's cloudy outside.

Moisturize - Another key to treating and preventing the appearance of smile lines is ensuring your skin is properly hydrated. Use a premium anti-aging eye moisturizer with potent wrinkle fighting ingredients like Retinol, Kinetin and Glycolic acid regularly for best results.

Get Enough Sleep – When our bodies are tired, it takes a toll on our skin. Make sure you're getting enough sleep each night in order to aid your body in producing more HGH (human growth hormone), which is known to assist the skin in keeping its elasticity to prevent wrinkles.

Maintain a Healthy Diet – Any skin care expert will tell you that beautiful skin starts on the inside, so it's incredibly important to have a healthy well balanced diet packed with nourishing foods. Be sure to include a generous amount of fresh fruit and veggies high in wrinkle fighting vitamins and antioxidants in your daily meals like pomegranates, peppers, tomatoes, and blueberries.

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