20th Anniversary of the CINS - Preview | ANTI EU

  • vor 17 Jahren

Campaign for an Independent and Neutral Switzerland

Aktion für eine unabhängige und neutrale Schweiz
Action pour une Suisse indépendante et neutre
Azione per una Svizzera neutrale e indipendente


CINS (en): www.cins.ch
AUNS (de): www.auns.ch
ASIN (fr): www.asin.ch
ASNI (it): www.asni.ch


- We will monitor the government’s foreign policy and keep our members and the Swiss people informed about problematical areas in Swiss foreign policy.

- We will commit ourselves to preserving the independence, the neutrality and the security of the Swiss Confederation.

- We will fight for a government foreign policy which respects our integral and traditional neutrality and thereby guarantees the independence and security of our country.

- We will prevent activism in foreign politics and unnecessary involvement in international affairs.


DVD: http://www.auns.ch/de/download/dvd_bestellkarte.pdf


