Kyiv lights up in remembrance of 'Heavenly Hundred' who died 1 year ago at Maidan

  • 9 years ago
Shards of light stretched up into the sky in central Kyiv in honour of the more than 100 people victims, known as the ‘Heavenly Hundred’, who died during the bloodiest days of the Maidan protests a year ago.

The ‘Rays of Light’ display beamed strong spotlights up from the ground at the places around Maidan, or Independence Square, where protesters were shot dead on 18, 19 and 20 February 2014.

Thousands of people gathered on Friday evening for commemorative events, which also included an address by Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and a performance of Mozart’s Requiem.

Poroshenko was elected after his predecessor, Russia-leaning Victor Yanukovych, fled Ukraine at the height of the protests.

He told the crowd that Ukraine is committed to a European future.

“The year 2015 will be decisive in implementing fundamental changes, in building the new country and I am sure that Ukraine will live in peace, will develop and move towards Europe,” Poroshenko said.

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