Are You the 1% Corporate Speech Coaching

  • 10 years ago
Good voice training involves how to breathe with the support of your diaphragm because your ‘real’ voice must be powered by low deep breathing.
If you are part of the 99% of the population who are renowned for using only the upper portion of the chest to breathe, then your speaking voice is being powered by means of your voice box, throat, mouth, and/or nose. What results is a voice that is probably higher in pitch than it should be and will not display a warm, resonant sound.
Once you find the voice you love, you will then learn how to increase your volume without shouting, eliminate nasality, speak with clear articulation, and control your nervousness in any form of public speaking.
Finding your real voice is a life-changing experience because you not only gain total control over your voice as well as an increase in your level of confidence but you will also discover tremendous benefits that have nothing to do with your voice or public speaking. You may find you sleep better at night, or hit a golf ball better, or even notice a drop in your blood pressure because breathing diaphragmatically means that you will be eliminating more of the toxins in your body. Shallow or lazy breathing, again typical of 99% of the population, actually increases your toxins as well as your level of stress.
