New Video Pinpoints The Blow That Likely Killed King Richard III

  • 9 years ago
Pathologists have been thoroughly inspecting King Richard III's skull for signs of trauma that will shed light on his death and recently they've discovered something rather interesting. Evidence of an injury located on the base of his skull looks like it may have been inflicted by the "top spike of a bill" or possibly a sword.

For the past several years, researchers have been examining the remains of King Richard III since their discovery in a London parking lot in 2012.

A newly released video by the University of Leicester sheds more light into the blow that likely killed him.

The team investigating his remains was conducting further examination of his injuries when they found a small mark on the inside of his skull in line with an entry point at the base. They determined this was likely the fatal blow and had been inflicted with either a sword or a halberd, a spiked Medieval weapon used to pull warriors off their horses.

Pathologist Guy Rutty suspects the halberd or sword was p