Is Gender Equality a Universal Value?

  • 9 years ago
This video is part of the global campaign entitled, “Women and Shariah: Separating Fact from Fiction” organised by the Women’s Section of the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir.

It is PART 1 of a series of 4 videos that examines whether ‘Gender Equality’ – a concept often used to condemn Islam’s social laws as oppressive towards women – has in reality delivered on its promises for women.

This video addresses the question of whether ‘Gender Equality’ is in truth a universal value common to all nations regardless of belief and hence whether it should be used as a measure to evaluate how well states treat their women. It also emphasises that the Islamic Shariah laws should not be labeled oppressive towards women simply because they do not conform to the Western ideal of ‘Gender Equality’. Rather different ways of life should be assessed based on the impact they have on individuals and society and not on whether their beliefs are the same.

For further information regarding the points raised in this video & Hizb ut Tahrir's International "Women and Shariah" Campaign and Conference, please contact:




