Little optimism ahead of Ukraine peace talks in Minsk

  • 9 years ago
Last year’s Minsk agreement failed to end the fighting in eastern Ukraine and there is little reason for optimism about the latest peace talks in the capital of Belarus.

A Russian source has been quoted as saying that there are no plans to sign a document to resolve the conflict and that the creation of a demilitarised zone would be the main talking point.

But the buffer zone planned in last September’s talks never got off the ground and fighting continues to rage as Russian, French, German and Ukrainian leaders prepare to meet on Wednesday.

France’s President Francois Hollande though refuses to concede defeat, insisting he is going to Minsk with the firm desire to reach a peace deal, pursuing an initiative with Germany’s Angela Merkel.

“We must do everything and until the very last moment of this meeting, the Chancellor and myself will push for an agreement, a comprehensive settlement,” Hollande said.

Where there is a will there is a way, perhaps, but European officials say
