Amitabh, Advani & Ramdev To Be Given A Padma Vibhushan Award

  • 10 years ago
Awards are a way of life in Bollywood and come January it is the award season. With many awards coming up andmany stars either being absent or being very conspicuous the ceremonies are certainly going a big way.
However with some of the film stars being part of the Padma Vibhushan everything is looking very grand. Our khoofiya Khabri has already leaked that Amitabh, Ramdev and Advani are going to be awarded with the Padma Vibhushan.
We certainly salute these maestros in their respective field for living up to the occasion well. Isnt it wonderful that we are having such stalwarts who deserve this award for sure.
We now wait to see who is the best of the lot and await the entire award ceremony with a lot of expectation.
Amitabh for all his efforts surely deserves a Padma Vibhushan for sure, the rest of them well they obvioiusly deserve it maybe.
