10 Common Foods That Contain Odd Ingredients

  • 9 years ago
Here are 10 common foods that contain odd ingredients.

A food may look and taste completely normal, but that doesn’t mean that weird stuff wasn’t used in its making.

Here are 10 common foods that contain odd ingredients.

Number 10. Vanilla Ice Cream. Nothing says ‘yummy’ quite like beaver secretions. That’s right. Sometimes products, including the beloved cool, creamy favorite, get their vanilla flavor from castoreum, a substance found in the animals’ posterior sacs.

Number 9. Shredded Cheese. Every wonder how it is that pre-shredded, bagged cheese remains loose and easily sprinkled, while the freshly grated stuff turns into a clumpy mass? The secret is wood pulp. Cellulous extracted from the ground-up trees keeps the individual cheese pieces from attaching to one another.

Number 8. Jello-O. The thing that makes it wiggle and jiggle is collagen. Gelatin is a processed form of it and made by grinding and treating pig and cow bones, hides, and connective tissue. It’s then boiled,