Proginov ERP, Business Management Software

  • il y a 9 ans
Founded in 1996, Proginov is located in La Chevrolière, south of Nantes, France, and currently has 175 employees.

Management software (ERP) publishing has been at the heart of Proginov's business since it was founded. Its application suite is based around commercial and industrial management, accounting and finance, payroll and HR. With each new version, Proginov enhances its ERP system with additional modules and applications in response to the requirements of sectors including commerce, industry, agri-food, distribution and logistics, construction, timber, woodwork, textiles, automotive, quarries and sand pits, points of sale and e-commerce. To date, more than 1000 SMEs use the Proginov ERP system in France and abroad.

In 2001, Proginov achieved a first in France by developing and marketing the first hosted management solution for SMEs. Its status as a Cloud Computing host brings it genuine added value, making it one of the three leading business management software publishers in France and the leader on the French Cloud Computing ERP market.


