Pakistani Man Stops 22 Wheeler Brake-Failed Truck Risking His Life .

  • 9 years ago
Jehlum : A Pakistani man Athar Ali’s bravery is being applauded all over the social and electronic media as through his heroic act of stopping a 22-wheeler brakes-failed driver-less truck on motor way, he averted a major dreadful accident.
Athar Yad Ali was driving his car on (M2) near Khewra Salt Range area when he saw a t a driver-less 22-wheeler truck whose breaks have failed, was running down the motorway that could cause a horrific disaster.
The fearless Yad Ali went out of his car against the will of his wife and sons, but by believing in Almighty, he shown exemplary coruage by risking his life and emerged triumphant to stop the truck.
The all of this daring action was saved in camera’s eye by Yad Ali’s sons and the video went viral on social and it made on to electronic media headlines.
AAFMotorway Police, TV Channels and some popular political figures also praised his valor and on twitter he has been honored with hashtag #ProudOFAtharAli.
Bravery has found a new name in Pakistan that is Athar Yad Ali .


