Miss World speaks at Oxford University, defends contest

  • 10 years ago
Among the dreamy spires and ancient buildings at Oxford University - a group of people at the heart of a modern debate.

Contestants from the Miss World beauty pageants here to debate the contest ahead of the 2014 competition.

SOUNDBITE: Miss United States 2014, Elizabeth Safrit, saying (English):

"Miss World is not a celebrity, she is an ambassador. She tells women all around the world again that it's okay to have an opinion. She makes changes happen. She identifies problems and she finds solutions. She changes the world."

SOUNDBITE: Unidentified Audience Member, saying (English):

"Is it possible to have a similar competition without any beauty element and if so would you be in favour of that?"

SOUNDBITE: Miss South Africa 2014, Rolene Strauss, saying (English):

"Some of us run very fast, some of us speak very well. Some of us have received the gift of beauty, outer beauty that's been emphasised by inner beauty so I think that the greater purpo
