Prince Harry Reveals He Suffers From Public-Speaking Related Anxiety

  • 10 years ago
Prince Harry has confessed that he becomes anxious before speaking at public events.

Prince Harry has confessed that he becomes anxious while speaking at public events.

As part of Sentebale Charity’s #FeelNoShame campaign, Harry sat in front of a camera and introduced himself before expressing gratitude towards everyone involved with #FeelNoShame.

Then, he talked about the nervousness he deals with before public speaking. He said that it doesn’t matter what size the audience is, he still can’t shake his incredible case of jitters.

Harry remarked “Despite the fact that I laugh and joke all the time, I get incredibly nervous, if not anxious actually, before going into rooms full of people when I'm wearing a suit.”

While the camera was rolling, he realized that his admission would likely make him more nervous in the future and he voiced that thought for viewers to hear.

The goal of the #FeelNoShame campaign is to hopefully assist in eliminating the shame that AIDS sufferers face and prompt them to share their health problems with others rather than dealing with a diagnosis in isolation.