297 Club- Unlimited Leads For Life by FHJ 619-254-2795

  • 10 years ago
297 Club Unlimited Leads For Life Generation System, everything you need to know starts right here: http://bit.ly/1ekeUvk - This Lead Generation System finds leads for just about any industry on demand & contacts them for you! Stop facing rejection and concentrate on filling orders.

There is nothing worse for a salesperson than being rejected over the phone or in person. It's time you got ahead of your competetion and recruit like a pro! Keep in mind that only amateurs will sell professionals short...

The lead generation system comes with 4 Lead Scraper Tools and your very own Voice Broadcaster. You'll have the "All-in-One Leads Generation System" working hard to help you create unlimited leads all while you focus on other important aspects of your business. Once the leads are gathered you simply push a button to make contact with them - its that simple!

The Voice Recorder (included free) is your key to working smart. Once a contact has been created the auto voice system will then grab the listeners attention - all on auto pilot. The 297 Club really works! Get an unlimited lead source on auto pilot.

If you have any questions about the 297 Club or lead generation system opportunity please call Frank Hanserd Jr. (858) 233-9390

Subscribe to our Pro Sales MLM lead generation and network marketing channel for future updates to this opportunity: https://www.youtube.com/user/GetPaidTopDollars

Follow Frank Hanserd on Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/102181553992155656236
Follow Frank Hanserd on Facebook: http:///www.facebook.com/fhanserd2
Follow Frank Hanserd on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/fhanserd2

Want to learn more about Frank Hanserd? Visit with Frank at his free podcast at: http://bit.ly/1sNedih
