More arrests as protesters await Ferguson grand jury decision

  • 10 years ago

Riot police arrested at least two demonstrators in Ferguson, Missouri, for a second night running as tensions simmer ahead of a grand jury decision in the case of a white officer who shot dead an unarmed black teenager in August.

The grand jury is deciding whether to charge officer Darren Wilson in the slaying of 18-year-old Michael Brown in the St. Louis suburb in a case that has exposed fresh strains in often-troubled race relations in the United States.

About a dozen protesters gathered again outside the police station in Ferguson in frigid conditions, sometimes blocking vehicles as they waved placards and chanted "Whose streets? Our streets!" and "Killer cops have got to go!"

Officers in helmets and shields were deployed after a commander told protesters not to block traffic. Brief scuffles broke out and at least one woman and a man were handcuffed and taken away.

The grand jury could continue meeting into January but