How To Choose The Best Type Of Fire Extinguisher For Home Use

  • 10 years ago - It’s no surprise that purchasing the best type of fire extinguisher for home use could be the difference between losing or keeping your home in the event of a fire. With so many ratings and classes to choose from though, many end up confused as to which truly is the best residential fire extinguisher.

In this video we will outline a few things to think about before purchasing a household fire extinguisher.

* The best type of fire extinguisher for home use is small and lightweight.

When a house fire occurs, you have a limited time-frame to extinguish it out before it’s too late. This is why you don’t want to buy a large and bulky residential fire extinguisher. You are much better off having several smaller portable fire extinguishers strategically placed around your house.

* Purchase multiple home fire extinguishers.

Most home fire extinguishers are fairly cheap and will be disposable. For these reasons, I suggest purchasing an extra one or two that you can practice with before an actual residence fire situation. This testing will get you familiar and give you more confidence using the fire equipment. The last thing you want is to be reading the instructions on your domestic fire extinguisher during an emergency fire situation.

* The most versatile and best fire extinguisher for the home will be A,B & C rated.

There are five classes of fires (A-B-C-D-K) and several types of fire extinguishers that correspond with these fire types. When it comes to residential fires though, the main types you run into are class A combustibles, Class B flammable liquids and Class C electrical fires. When you purchase a household fire extinguisher, make sure that it has an ABC rating. This rating means that the home fire extinguisher is capable of stopping all 3 of these fire classes without making the situation worse.

To review, the best type of fire extinguisher for the home is going to be lightweight and A-B-C rated. You should also purchase enough domestic fire extinguishers to strategically place throughout your home and practice with ahead of time.

For more information, make sure you check out our website to get the best price on top fire extinguishers for the home plus other residential fire safety equipment:
