Edip Yuksel (E) Stoning to Death - Horrific Practice based on a Stupid Story

  • 10 years ago
"The verse that has been abrogated by a goat"!

The Arab idol worshipers fabricated hadiths and claimed that prophet Muhammad stoned a couple (Maiz and Gamidiyye) to death. Since they realized that hadiths are not enough to abrogate the clear verses in chapter 24, they even fabricated a "verse" supporting stoning and attributed it to God.

They tried to inject this satanic verse into Quran. When they failed, they fabricated foolish stories which only the people who are described in 10:100 believe. According to their story, the 'stoning verse' was recorded in Quran during the time of Muhammad; but just after his death, a goat entered Aisha's house and ate the page on which that verse was inscribed. Thus, the stoning verse has been abrogated physically. By a goat! A hungry goat abrogating their "holy" fabrication. This story can be found in Ibn Magah, Nikah, 36/1944 and Ibn Hanbal, 5/131,132,183; 6/269.

How can a verse of a perfect scripture, which was completed during Muhammad's lifetime, be abrogated by a goat? As an answer to this question, Ibn Qutayba, a famous scholar, in his book entitled "Solving the Contradictions Among Hadiths" stated that "the goat is a holy animal". And he asked a counter question: "Why not believe in God's power? As He destroyed the people of Aad and Thamud, He is also able to destroy His revelations by using even a goat!"

"Omar was a hypocrite"

The slanderers of God and the prophet supported their lies with other lies. They slandered Khalif Omar by attributing the following blasphemy to him:

'Because in the future some people will appear and deny the punishment of stoning, by claiming that they can not find it in the Quran, if I did not fear that people will say that Omar is adding to the Quran, I would add the stoning verse into the Quran!!' (Bukhari 93/21; Muslim, Hudud 1691; Tirmizi, Hudud 8/1431; Abu Dawud 41/1; Itkan 2/34).

So, if Omar feared God, instead of people, the "stoning verse" would not have existed in all books of hadith as "the verse eaten by a goat"!

"The adulterer monkeys!"

The scholars of hadith and sunnah were not content with these stories; they also stated that "a tribe of monkeys arrested an adulterer monkey and stoned it to death" (Bukhari, 63/27). Those who slandered even monkeys, in order to set them up as an example of following hadith and sunnah, have been described by verses 2:65 & 7:179!

These professional liars also did not spare other believers. For instance, Abu Hanifa was persecuted and tortured in prison by Amawy and Abbasy religious officials due to his rejection of hadith and accepting the Quran alone. He was such a popular figure that following his death, those officials used his popularity for their decrees. Finally, they attributed a whole Sunni sect to him.

"Lie factories" and their managers
