
  • 17 years ago
The internet is a vast information network which is constantly growing and being updated. But the internet is also used wrongly by certain people and therefore has become a tool which can be used to commit offences. The evolution of cyber crime (sites on paedophilia-pornography, racisms, selling arms, drugs etc.) via the internet has developed rapidly and has grown in importance over the last few years. The fight against computer crime on the internet demands not only special attention but also appropriate reactions. Franco Frattini, Vice-President of the EC in charge of Justice, Freedom and Security, will present on 22/05/2007 an EC communication detailing the setting up of a program for increased cooperation between European and international levels, but also between both the public and private sectors. To illustrate this, the European Commission's audiovisual service has produced an infoclip which illustrates the following: - various illegal sites - the Belgian Federal Police unit fighting against cyber crime (FCCU) working on computer searches.
