Man Beats Victim With Hammer In Possible Hate Crime

  • 10 years ago
Police in New York City are searching for a suspect who is accused of beating a man with a hammer. The victim, identified as Mitch Pope, had been inside the lobby of his Brooklyn apartment building when the alleged attack occurred.

Police in New York City are searching for a suspect who is accused of beating a man with a hammer. The victim, identified as Mitch Pope, had been inside the lobby of his Brooklyn apartment building when the alleged attack occurred.

At this time it’s suspected the incident is a hate crime. The 33-year-old victim is an openly gay male.

Pope talked about the horrific attack and stated “I really thought he was going to take my life..It would be one thing with a fist, but I just saw the hammer suspended in the air and I thought he was going to hit me in my face.”

Pope claims he screamed and attempted to fight back. Police say the suspect followed Pope into the lobby of the building right before violently lashing out.

Pope knew a man was behind him, but initially he suspected the other male was a construction employee working on the grounds. The victim claimed that as the man was striking him with the weapon, he was also shouting gay slurs.

Pope was transported to the hospital not long after the suspect fled the scene. He required 5 staples in his head resulting from the attack.
